Little Mountain Baptist Church
324 Little Mountain Church Road
Ararat, NC  27007

Directions      Telephone:  336.374.2342          e-mail:
Pastor Bill Watson
Sunday Services
    10:00 AM - Sunday School
    11:00 AM - Worship Service
      6:00 PM - Evening Worship
Wednesday Night Prayer Service
      7:30 PM

Radio Broadcasts - Each Sunday
      WPAQ -  740  AM - 7:00 AM
      WSYD - 1300 AM - 6:00 PM - Live
                   Broadcast from Auditorium
       Pastor's Corner          Youth Programs             Mission Programs          What We Believe      How Do I Get to Heaven??         Audio Links
Little Mountain Baptist Church is an independent,  fundamental, Bible believing church, with the mission of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.
If you experience problems or have suggestions
for this website, please contact
LMBC Webmaster.
Number of visitors since 4 January 2004
You're Invited!!!  Come to Bible School - Passport to the Promised Land  - July 13 - 17  7:00 Nightly